Meet Your Trainer!

Hi! I am Tiara Scoops, a 24-year-old fitness influencer and Personal Trainer. I’m a Body Design University Graduate.

I always found that my strength and confidence came from participating in sports. I was a competitive swimmer for ten years and a cheerleader for 4 years. My fitness journey began when I quit my cheer team due to bullying. 

This was when I began to feel like I didn’t fit in. Falling into a deep depression and losing my identity was hard. Until one day, I decided I wasn’t going to allow negative people to take away my joy, so I stepped into the gym for the first time in years. Completely exhausted in the first three minutes and could barely complete twenty crunches, but I felt something so powerful in this moment. From that day forward, I told myself I will go to the gym every day for 45 minutes and give it everything I had.  After a couple of months, I noticed my tummy flatten and my glutes shaping up.

 I loved it. I loved myself and I believe I have mastered a technique that keeps your feminate curves looking desirable by increasing muscle growth in your legs and glutes. Fitness should be fun and motivating. Start your journey to your dream body with my uniquely designed workouts!

As your trainer I will:

  • Motivate you to be the healthiest version of yourself. (key point: healthiest version of yourself, we are not all the same, nor will we all be able to look like that "perfect" model we see in magazines, but we can all reach our highest level of perfection in our own way!)
  • Inspire you each and everyday to push yourself to your greatest potential.
  • Teach you about healthy eating and nutrition using a flexible dieting method.
  • Help you set goals that are realistic and achievable.
  • Support you through the tough, sore, and not so pretty days.
  • Teach you to trust the process. Results don't happen over night, but if you are willing to trust me as a trainer and give me 110% everyday, not only in the gym, but in the kitchen as well, I believe you will achieve amazing results within no time!